Donate to Momentum Dance Theatre

At Momentum, we know dance is not just fun but great for your brain and your life! Dance, arts education and mind/body fitness contribute to a high quality of life and learning for all ages, income groups, genders, ethnicities, physical, mental and emotional abilities, belief systems, in short for everyone!

Since 1986 Momentum Dance Theatre's mission is to be an ambassador for jazz, hip hop and dance theater, bringing exciting, challenging dance theater to diverse communities.
From our home base in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Washington, DC Momentum staff and students perform, teach, work with schools and conduct outreach into communities to present jazz, hip hop, Latin jazz, modern jazz and thoughtprovoking dance based theater to celebrate diversity, entertain, educate and widen the audience for dance.
Momentum's Professional Company represents a diverse range of ethnic and technical backgrounds, body types and ages. Momentum encourages in its professionals and students professionalism, discipline, humor and adventurousness in incorporating dance into social commentary in daily life. Momentum transmits this excitement and commitment to the wider community through classes, performances, lecture demonstrations and outreach.